(solving-guide)= # Solve Equations The Python package SymPy can symbolically solve equations, differential equations, linear equations, nonlinear equations, matrix problems, inequalities, Diophantine equations, and evaluate integrals. SymPy can also solve numerically. The [](solving-guidance.md) page provides recommendations applicable to many types of solving tasks. Learn how to use SymPy computer algebra system to: | Description | Example | Solution | |--------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------| | [ Solve an equation algebraically ](solve-equation-algebraically.md) | $x^2 = y$ | $x \in \{-\sqrt{y},\sqrt{y}\}$ | | [ Solve a system of equations algebraically ](solve-system-of-equations-algebraically.md) | $x^2 + y = 2z, y = -4z$ | $\{(x = -\sqrt{6z}, y = -4z),$ ${(x = \sqrt{6z}, y = -4z)\}}$ | | [Solve one or a system of equations numerically](solve-numerically.md) | $\cos(x) = x $ | $ x \approx 0.739085133215161$ | | [Solve an ordinary differential equation algebraically](solve-ode.md) | $y''(x) + 9y(x)=0 $ | $ y(x)=C_{1} \sin(3x)+ C_{2} \cos(3x)$ | | [ Find the roots of a polynomial algebraically or numerically ](find-roots-polynomial.md) | $ ax^2 + bx + c = 0 $ | $ x = \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} $ | | [ Solve a matrix equation algebraically ](solve-matrix-equation.md) | $ \left[\begin{array}{cc} c & d\\1 & -e\end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{cc} x\\y\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{cc} 2\\0\end{array}\right] $ | $ \left[\begin{array}{cc} x\\y\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{cc} \frac{2e}{ce+d}\\\frac{2}{ce+d}\end{array}\right]$ | | [ Reduce one or a system of inequalities for a single variable algebraically ](reduce-inequalities-algebraically.md) | $ x^2 < \pi, x > 0 $ | $ 0 < x < \sqrt{\pi} $ | | [ Solve a Diophantine equation algebraically ](solve-diophantine-equation.md) | $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ | $(a=2pq, b=p^2-q^2, c=p^2+q^2)$ | Notes: - SymPy has a function called {func}`~.solve` which is designed to find the solutions of an equation or system of equations, or the roots of a function. SymPy {func}`~.solve` may or may not be what you need for a particular problem, so we recommend you use the links on this page to learn how to "solve" your problem. - While a common, colloquial expression is, for example, "[solve an integral](../../modules/integrals/integrals.rst)," in SymPy's terminology it would be "[evaluate an integral](../../modules/integrals/integrals.rst)." This page does not provide guidance for such tasks. Please search the documentation for the type of expression you want to evaluate. ```{toctree} :hidden: true solving-guidance.md solve-equation-algebraically.md solve-system-of-equations-algebraically.md solve-numerically.md solve-ode.md find-roots-polynomial.md solve-matrix-equation.md reduce-inequalities-algebraically.md solve-diophantine-equation.md ```