.. _documentation: .. module:: sympy Welcome to SymPy's documentation! ---------------------------------- A `PDF version of these docs `_ is also available. `SymPy `_ is a Python library for symbolic mathematics. If you are new to SymPy, start with the :ref:`introductory tutorial `. This is the central page for all of SymPy's documentation. ================================================================== :ref:`Installation ` ---------------------------------- Instructions on how to install SymPy. :ref:`Tutorials ` ---------------------------- Tutorials are the best place to start for anyone new to SymPy or one of SymPy's features. :ref:`How-to Guides ` ----------------------------- How-to guides are step-by-step instructions on how to do specific tasks. :ref:`Explanations ` ---------------------------------- Explanations provide in-depth discussions about select SymPy features. These topic guides talk about things like the motivation behind design decisions, technical implementation details, and opinionated recommendations. :ref:`API Reference ` -------------------------------- The API reference is a detailed description of the SymPy API. Every SymPy function and class is enumerated here with detailed information on what each function does. :ref:`Contributing ` ---------------------------------- The contributing guide goes over the details necessary to contribute to SymPy. .. toctree:: :hidden: install.md tutorials/index.rst guides/index.rst explanation/index.rst reference/index.rst contributing/index.rst