.. _polys-domainsref: =================================== Reference docs for the Poly Domains =================================== This page lists the reference documentation for the domains in the polys module. For a general introduction to the polys module it is recommended to read :ref:`polys-basics` instead. For an introductory explanation of the what the domain system is and how it is used it is recommended to read :ref:`polys-domainsintro`. This page lists the reference docs for the :py:class:`~.Domain` class and its subclasses (the specific domains such as ``ZZ``) as well as the classes that represent the domain elements. Domains ======= .. currentmodule:: sympy.polys.domains Here we document the various implemented ground domains (see :ref:`polys-domainsintro` for more of an explanation). There are three types of :py:class:`~.Domain` subclass: abstract domains, concrete domains, and "implementation domains". Abstract domains cannot be (usefully) instantiated at all, and just collect together functionality shared by many other domains. Concrete domains are those meant to be instantiated and used in the polynomial manipulation algorithms. In some cases, there are various possible ways to implement the data type the domain provides. For example, depending on what libraries are available on the system, the integers are implemented either using the python built-in integers, or using gmpy. Note that various aliases are created automatically depending on the libraries available. As such e.g. ``ZZ`` always refers to the most efficient implementation of the integer ring available. Abstract Domains ================ .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.domain.Domain :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.domainelement.DomainElement :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.field.Field :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.ring.Ring :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.simpledomain.SimpleDomain :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.compositedomain.CompositeDomain :members: .. _GF(p): GF(p) ===== .. autoclass:: FiniteField :members: .. autoclass:: PythonFiniteField :members: .. autoclass:: GMPYFiniteField :members: .. _ZZ: ZZ == The :ref:`ZZ` domain represents the `integers`_ `\mathbb{Z}` as a :py:class:`~.Domain` in the domain system (see :ref:`polys-domainsintro`). By default a :py:class:`~.Poly` created from an expression with integer coefficients will have the domain :ref:`ZZ`:: >>> from sympy import Poly, Symbol >>> x = Symbol('x') >>> p = Poly(x**2 + 1) >>> p Poly(x**2 + 1, x, domain='ZZ') >>> p.domain ZZ The corresponding `field of fractions`_ is the domain of the rationals :ref:`QQ`. Conversely :ref:`ZZ` is the `ring of integers`_ of :ref:`QQ`:: >>> from sympy import ZZ, QQ >>> ZZ.get_field() QQ >>> QQ.get_ring() ZZ When using the domain directly :ref:`ZZ` can be used as a constructor to create instances which then support the operations ``+,-,*,**,//,%`` (true division ``/`` should not be used with :ref:`ZZ` - see the :py:meth:`~.Domain.exquo` domain method):: >>> x = ZZ(5) >>> y = ZZ(2) >>> x // y # floor division 2 >>> x % y # modulo division (remainder) 1 The :py:meth:`~.Domain.gcd` method can be used to compute the `gcd`_ of any two elements:: >>> ZZ.gcd(ZZ(10), ZZ(2)) 2 There are two implementations of :ref:`ZZ` in SymPy. If ``gmpy`` or ``gmpy2`` is installed then :ref:`ZZ` will be implemented by :py:class:`GMPYIntegerRing` and the elements will be instances of the ``gmpy.mpz`` type. Otherwise if ``gmpy`` and ``gmpy2`` are not installed then :ref:`ZZ` will be implemented by :py:class:`PythonIntegerRing` which uses Python's standard builtin ``int`` type. With larger integers ``gmpy`` can be more efficient so it is preferred when available. .. autoclass:: IntegerRing :members: :exclude-members: dtype, tp .. autoclass:: PythonIntegerRing .. autoclass:: GMPYIntegerRing :members: :exclude-members: dtype, tp .. _QQ: QQ == The :ref:`QQ` domain represents the `rationals`_ `\mathbb{Q}` as a :py:class:`~.Domain` in the domain system (see :ref:`polys-domainsintro`). By default a :py:class:`~.Poly` created from an expression with rational coefficients will have the domain :ref:`QQ`:: >>> from sympy import Poly, Symbol >>> x = Symbol('x') >>> p = Poly(x**2 + x/2) >>> p Poly(x**2 + 1/2*x, x, domain='QQ') >>> p.domain QQ The corresponding `ring of integers`_ is the :py:class:`~.Domain` of the integers :ref:`ZZ`. Conversely :ref:`QQ` is the `field of fractions`_ of :ref:`ZZ`:: >>> from sympy import ZZ, QQ >>> QQ.get_ring() ZZ >>> ZZ.get_field() QQ When using the domain directly :ref:`QQ` can be used as a constructor to create instances which then support the operations ``+,-,*,**,/`` (true division ``/`` is always possible for nonzero divisors in :ref:`QQ`):: >>> x = QQ(5) >>> y = QQ(2) >>> x / y # true division 5/2 There are two implementations of :ref:`QQ` in SymPy. If ``gmpy`` or ``gmpy2`` is installed then :ref:`QQ` will be implemented by :py:class:`GMPYRationalField` and the elements will be instances of the ``gmpy.mpq`` type. Otherwise if ``gmpy`` and ``gmpy2`` are not installed then :ref:`QQ` will be implemented by :py:class:`PythonRationalField` which is a pure Python class as part of sympy. The ``gmpy`` implementation is preferred because it is significantly faster. .. autoclass:: RationalField :members: :exclude-members: dtype, tp .. autoclass:: PythonRationalField .. autoclass:: GMPYRationalField :members: :exclude-members: dtype, tp .. autoclass:: sympy.external.pythonmpq.PythonMPQ .. _MPQ: MPQ === The ``MPQ`` type is either :py:class:`~.PythonMPQ` or otherwise the ``mpq`` type from ``gmpy2``. Gaussian domains ================ The Gaussian domains :ref:`ZZ_I` and :ref:`QQ_I` share common superclasses :py:class:`~.GaussianElement` for the domain elements and :py:class:`~.GaussianDomain` for the domains themselves. .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.gaussiandomains.GaussianDomain :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.gaussiandomains.GaussianElement :members: .. _ZZ_I: ZZ_I ==== .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.gaussiandomains.GaussianIntegerRing :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.gaussiandomains.GaussianInteger :members: .. _QQ_I: QQ_I ==== .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.gaussiandomains.GaussianRationalField :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.gaussiandomains.GaussianRational :members: .. _QQ(a): QQ ===== .. autoclass:: AlgebraicField :members: .. _RR: RR == .. autoclass:: RealField :members: .. _CC: CC == .. autoclass:: ComplexField :members: .. _K[x]: K[x] ==== .. autoclass:: PolynomialRing :members: .. _K(x): K(x) ==== .. autoclass:: FractionField :members: .. _EX: EX == .. autoclass:: ExpressionDomain :members: .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.expressiondomain::ExpressionDomain.Expression :members: Quotient ring ============= .. autoclass:: sympy.polys.domains.quotientring.QuotientRing Sparse polynomials ================== .. currentmodule:: sympy.polys.rings Sparse polynomials are represented as dictionaries. .. autofunction:: ring .. autofunction:: xring .. autofunction:: vring .. autofunction:: sring .. autoclass:: PolyRing :members: .. autoclass:: PolyElement :members: Sparse rational functions ========================= .. currentmodule:: sympy.polys.fields Sparse polynomials are represented as dictionaries. .. autofunction:: field .. autofunction:: xfield .. autofunction:: vfield .. autofunction:: sfield .. autoclass:: FracField :members: .. autoclass:: FracElement :members: Dense polynomials ================= .. currentmodule:: sympy.polys.polyclasses .. autoclass:: DMP :members: .. autoclass:: DMF :members: .. autoclass:: ANP :members: .. _integers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer .. _rationals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rational_number .. _gcd: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greatest_common_divisor .. _field of fractions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_of_fractions .. _ring of integers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_of_integers