================== A four bar linkage ================== The four bar linkage is a common example used in mechanics, which can be formulated with only two holonomic constraints. This example will make use of joints functionality provided in :mod:`sympy.physics.mechanics`. In summary we will use bodies and joints to define the open loop system. Next, we define the configuration constraints to close the loop. :class:`~.System` will be used to do the "book-keeping" of the entire system with :class:`~.KanesMethod` as the backend. .. raw:: html :file: four_bar_linkage.svg First we need to create the :func:`~.dynamicsymbols` needed to describe the system as shown in the above diagram. In this case, the generalized coordinates `q_1`, `q_2` and `q_3` represent the angles between the links. Likewise, the generalized speeds `u_1`, `u_2` and `u_3` represent the angular velocities between the links. We also create some :func:`~.symbols` to represent the lengths and density of the links. :: >>> from sympy import Matrix, linear_eq_to_matrix, pi, simplify, symbols >>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import * >>> mechanics_printing(pretty_print=False) >>> q1, q2, q3, u1, u2, u3 = dynamicsymbols('q1:4, u1:4') >>> l1, l2, l3, l4, rho = symbols('l1:5, rho') With all symbols defined, we can now define the bodies and initialize our instance of :class:`~.System`. :: >>> N = ReferenceFrame('N') >>> mass_centers = [Point(f'mc{i}') for i in range(1, 5)] >>> inertias = [Inertia.from_inertia_scalars(P, N, 0, 0, rho*l**3/12) ... for P, l in zip(mass_centers, (l1, l2, l3, l4))] >>> link1 = RigidBody('Link1', frame=N, mass=rho*l1, ... masscenter=mass_centers[0], inertia=inertias[0]) >>> link2 = RigidBody('Link2', mass=rho*l2, masscenter=mass_centers[1], ... inertia=inertias[1]) >>> link3 = RigidBody('Link3', mass=rho*l3, masscenter=mass_centers[2], ... inertia=inertias[2]) >>> link4 = RigidBody('Link4', mass=rho*l4, masscenter=mass_centers[3], ... inertia=inertias[3]) >>> system = System.from_newtonian(link1) Next, we also define the first three joints, which create the open loop pendulum, and add them to the system. :: >>> joint1 = PinJoint('J1', link1, link2, coordinates=q1, speeds=u1, ... parent_point=l1/2*link1.x, ... child_point=-l2/2*link2.x, joint_axis=link1.z) >>> joint2 = PinJoint('J2', link2, link3, coordinates=q2, speeds=u2, ... parent_point=l2/2*link2.x, ... child_point=-l3/2*link3.x, joint_axis=link2.z) >>> joint3 = PinJoint('J3', link3, link4, coordinates=q3, speeds=u3, ... parent_point=l3/2*link3.x, ... child_point=-l4/2*link4.x, joint_axis=link3.z) >>> system.add_joints(joint1, joint2, joint3) Now we can formulate the holonomic constraint that will close the kinematic loop. :: >>> start_point = link1.masscenter.locatenew('start_point', -l1/2*link1.x) >>> end_point = link4.masscenter.locatenew('end_point', l4/2*link4.x) >>> loop = end_point.pos_from(start_point) >>> system.add_holonomic_constraints(loop.dot(link1.x), loop.dot(link1.y)) Before generating the equations of motion we need to specify which generalized coordinates and speeds are independent and which are dependent. After which we can run :meth:`~.System.validate_system` to do some basic consistency checks. :: >>> system.q_ind = [q1] >>> system.u_ind = [u1] >>> system.q_dep = [q2, q3] >>> system.u_dep = [u2, u3] >>> system.validate_system() As we have the entire system ready, we can now form the equations of motion using :class:`~.KanesMethod` as the backend. :: >>> simplify(system.form_eoms()) Matrix([[l2*rho*(-2*l2**2*sin(q3)*u1' + 3*l2*l3*u1**2*sin(q2 + q3)*sin(q2) + 3*l2*l3*sin(q2)*cos(q2 + q3)*u1' - 3*l2*l3*sin(q3)*u1' + 3*l2*l4*u1**2*sin(q2 + q3)*sin(q2) + 3*l2*l4*sin(q2)*cos(q2 + q3)*u1' + 3*l3**2*u1**2*sin(q2)*sin(q3) + 6*l3**2*u1*u2*sin(q2)*sin(q3) + 3*l3**2*u2**2*sin(q2)*sin(q3) + 2*l3**2*sin(q2)*cos(q3)*u1' + 2*l3**2*sin(q2)*cos(q3)*u2' - l3**2*sin(q3)*cos(q2)*u1' - l3**2*sin(q3)*cos(q2)*u2' + 3*l3*l4*u1**2*sin(q2)*sin(q3) + 6*l3*l4*u1*u2*sin(q2)*sin(q3) + 3*l3*l4*u2**2*sin(q2)*sin(q3) + 3*l3*l4*sin(q2)*cos(q3)*u1' + 3*l3*l4*sin(q2)*cos(q3)*u2' + l4**2*sin(q2)*u1' + l4**2*sin(q2)*u2' + l4**2*sin(q2)*u3')/(6*sin(q3))]]) Revealing noncontributing forces -------------------------------- To reveal the noncontributing forces at the closing joint, we must introduce auxiliary speeds in the x and y-direction at the endpoint. >>> uaux1, uaux2 = dynamicsymbols('uaux1:3') >>> end_point_aux = end_point.locatenew('end_point_aux', 0) >>> end_point_aux.set_vel(N, end_point.vel(N) + uaux1*N.x + uaux2*N.y) To ensure that speeds are included in the velocity constraints, we must manually overwrite the velocity constraints because those are by default specified as the time derivatives of the holonomic constraints. >>> system.velocity_constraints = [ ... end_point_aux.vel(N).dot(N.x), end_point_aux.vel(N).dot(N.y)] When adding the noncontributing forces we need them to depend only on the auxiliary velocity and not the velocity that is eliminated by the constraints. This can be achieved by applying an equal and opposite force to the non-auxiliary endpoint. >>> faux1, faux2 = dynamicsymbols('faux1:3') >>> noncontributing_forces = [ ... Force(end_point_aux, faux1*N.x + faux2*N.y), ... Force(end_point, -(faux1*N.x + faux2*N.y)), ... ] Alternatively, we can specify a new point that already subtracts the velocity eliminated by the constraints. >>> end_point_forces = end_point.locatenew('end_point_forces', 0) >>> end_point_forces.set_vel(N, uaux1*N.x + uaux2*N.y) >>> noncontributing_forces = [Force(end_point_forces, faux1*N.x + faux2*N.y)] Next, we can add the auxiliary speeds and noncontributing forces to the system. >>> system.add_loads(*noncontributing_forces) >>> system.u_aux = [uaux1, uaux2] To include gravity we can use :meth:`~.System.apply_uniform_gravity` before validating the system and forming the equations of motion. >>> g = symbols('g') >>> system.apply_uniform_gravity(-g*N.y) >>> system.validate_system() >>> eoms = system.form_eoms() With the equations of motion formed we can solve the auxiliary equations for the noncontributing forces and compute their values for a simple configuration. >>> auxiliary_eqs = system.eom_method.auxiliary_eqs >>> forces_eqs = Matrix.LUsolve( ... *linear_eq_to_matrix(auxiliary_eqs, [faux1, faux2])) >>> subs = { ... l1: 2, l2: 1, l3: 2, l4: 1, ... rho: 5, g: 9.81, ... q1: pi/2, q2: pi/2, q3: pi/2, ... u1: 0, u2: 0, u3: 0, u1.diff(): 0, u2.diff(): 0, u3.diff(): 0, ... } >>> forces_eqs.xreplace(subs) Matrix([ [ 0], [-98.1]])