Arch (Docstrings)


This class is used to solve problems related to a three hinged arch(determinate) structure.

An arch is a curved vertical structure spanning an open space underneath it.

Arches can be used to reduce the bending moments in long-span structures.

Arches are used in structural engineering(over windows, door and even bridges)

because they can support a very large mass placed on top of them.


>>> from sympy.physics.continuum_mechanics.arch import Arch
>>> a = Arch((0,0),(10,0),crown_x=5,crown_y=5)
>>> a.get_shape_eqn
5 - (x - 5)**2/5
>>> from sympy.physics.continuum_mechanics.arch import Arch
>>> a = Arch((0,0),(10,1),crown_x=6)
>>> a.get_shape_eqn
9/5 - (x - 6)**2/20